Python To ShellScripts : pytoshell

After so boring to write the same routines by python, bash (unix) and batch (windows). I want to find a way to generate bash script and batch script from a python script, so that the routines could be reused and I needn't to rewrote them again and again in different …

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The coding style

I think "Coding Style" should contained the follow parties.

  1. Format Style

The format of codes, just like rules for:

  • Indenting
  • Spacing
  • Alignments
  • Newlines
  • Positioning
  • Line Splitting
  • Blank lines
  • etc
  1. Naming Convention
All those names just as function name, class name, variant name, if they are matched to camel case or …
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The beginning of a coding styler

We are wasting so much time on improving source code quality, doing things like force people to obey a strict paper with hundreds coding rules. We have to yell at programmer whom offend the rules and kick their ass to follow each rule, but they will forget more and more …

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Cross Compile Mesa 9.1.5 without X11

Recently I try to add opengl support for our embeded project, at least software emulated support. So I try to cross compile the mesa3d library. There are tons errors about X11 related stuffs missing, but we do not need the X11 support! After a long and difficult journey, I found …

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Cross Compile ICU 51.2

The IBM ICU library can not simply invoke configure to finish the cross-compilation, we should do some steps to process it.

We assume you have already downloaded and unpacked ICU 51.2 to "/opt/icu"

Local Compilation

Compile for current os.

ICU need some stuffs from ICU which compiled for …

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Construct Your Cross-Compilation Toolchain

1   Introduction

In normally, if you want to development for an embedded-system with ARM cpu, you need a cross-compilation toolchain. There have three ways to obtain the toolchain :

External hyperlinks, like Python.

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The "standard" C library?

For a long time, each C compiler provided a "standard" library, but we know all the "standard" C library just a joke, they are not so "standard" actually. Especially in cross-platform development, depend on the difference in compiler's design and the point of view, each compiler will add to or …

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